Some Silver Linings In a Dark World…

Hello Dear Friends, If you are seeking recipe ideas for Thanksgiving, you can check out my Thanksgiving playlist, with recipes for side dishes, salads, desserts, and Momma Vera’s fantastic turkey tutorial here: First, some positive news. Recently a professor from Indiana University, who is an avid viewer of Feast in the Middle East, invited…… Continue reading Some Silver Linings In a Dark World…

5 Phrases in Arabic that Will Deter Annoying People…

The first question I am often asked as someone that speaks Arabic is “Can you teach me some swear words?”  For whatever reason, people would rather spew clouds of vitriol in every language of the rainbow than whisper sweet nothings. I get it though, I have been known to swear like a sailor particularly behind…… Continue reading 5 Phrases in Arabic that Will Deter Annoying People…